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August 2011’s Coffee of the Month: Beach Brew

August 2011 — Coffee of the Month — Beach Brew.

Our Original Beach Brew is back! This coffee of the month is a combination of  our Papua New Guinea in light roast coffee and medium roast coffee. For those that love our Holiday Blend coffee (only available in November and December each year), this is the closest you can get to it! Get these fresh coffee beans while you still can!

coffee of the month

Our Papua New Guinea Coffee:

Our Papua New Guinea coffee (PNG) is one of our most popular coffees which is entirely understandable given its undertones that provide hints of cocoa. It has a medium to full body and is considered by many to be among the finest coffees in the world. Most of PNG’s arabica coffee comes from trees that were uprooted in Jamaica (Blue Mountain) and replanted in PNG.


coffee of the month

How to taste this coffee: 

Available individually in both a light roast coffee and a medium roast coffee, our Papua New Guinea’s best flavors come to the front when not going too dark with the roast.  The chocolaty tones become more pronounced as the bean is roasted lighter. This blend of roasts provides your tastebuds with just the right amount of chocolate tone while introducing a very slight hint of spice developed mainly by the blend of the two roast levels.


coffee of the month

More about our Papua New Guinea coffee:

According to the Department of State’s website (click the link if you’d like to read all the in-depth details on PNG), PNG is roughly the size of the state of California and has around 6.3 million people. It has three official languages (English, Tok Pisin, and Motu) as well as close to 860 other languages which plays a huge part in the overall fragmentation of the country and its people. Another topic of note is that PNG only has 49.3% literacy. PNG is known as a country ripped in pieces by civil war, lawlessness and poverty. Yet in the last few years, thanks to many factors including sustainable coffee purchasing, Papua New Guinea has started down the road to recovering its economy. It’s a long road ahead, but we have helped immensely and can continue to help just through responsible purchasing.
Get this coffee of the month while you still can!
Update: if you’re seeing after August 2011 don’t fear! You can still recreate this Coffee of the Month in your own kitchen! Simply order our Papua New Guinea coffee in both light roast and medium roast and mix them yourself.
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It’s back, by popular demand!  Our blend of Papua New Guinea Medium Roast and Sumatra Medium Roast is a favorite with many of our customers.  Our “PapuaMatra” is a yearly blend that brings such a huge demand, we need to purchase a lot of extra coffee beans!

06_June_PapuaMatra.jpgBean Notes: Both the Papua New Guinea coffee bean and the Sumatra coffee Bean enjoy a very loyal following.  Both are uniquely different yet come from a similar area.  Our Papua New Guinea (Jeff’s favorite coffee) has a subtle chocolaty tone that when coupled with the Sumatra’s dried fruit tones produce an unparalleled flavor.  The Sumatra coffee provides a deep, heavy body to compliment the bright tones of the Papua New Guinea coffee bean.


Sumatra Coffee - Medium Roast.jpeg

Country Notes: The Indonesian Islands consist of many fragmented provinces such as Papua, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and more.  If you didn’t notice, all of those countries are well known for growing exceptional beans!  The biggest thing that sets our Papua New Guinea and Sumatra coffees apart from those others is that we have sourced top grade, arabica, certified organic, fairly traded, and shade-grown coffees from our Papua New Guinea and Sumatra farmers.

Papua New Guinea Coffee: New Guinea Medium Roast.jpeg

Roast Notes: Keeping both of these coffees in a Medium Roast profile helps to accentuate the nuances of each bean.  We’ve tried darker roasts (resulting in the bright flavor notes being roasted out) and we’ve tried lighter roasts (which we ended up making the two coffees compete too much for flavor).  In the end the Medium Roast for each of these created this amazing aromatic, flavorful blend.

Related Links:

Papua New Guinea Medium Roast
Sumatra Medium Roast

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February’s Coffee of the Month – Papua New Guinea Medium Roast

Our Papua New Guinea coffee (PNG) is one of our most popular coffees which is entirely understandable given its hints of cocoa. Our papua new guinea coffee has a medium to full body and is considered by many to be among the finest coffees in the world. Most of PNG’s arabica coffee comes from trees that were uprooted in Jamaica (Blue Mountain) and replanted in PNG.

Here’s some information on our Papua New Guinea coffee:
According to the Department of State’s website (click the link if you’d like to read all the in depth details on PNG), PNG is roughly the size of the state of California and has around 6.3 million people. It has three official languages (English, Tok Pisin, and Motu) as well as close to 860 other languages which plays a huge part in the overall fragmentation of the country and it’s people. Another topic of note is that PNG only has 49.3% literacy.

PNG is known as a country ripped in pieces by civil war, lawlessness and poverty. Yet in the last few years, thanks to many factors including sustainable coffee purchasing, Papua New Guinea has started down the road to recovering its economy and government corruption. It’s a long road ahead, but we have helped immensely and can continue to help just through responsible purchasing.

That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading!
Dan Ericson
“Coffee Guru”

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Ordering Your Organic Holiday Blend Coffees!

Here is a preview of our seasonal Holiday Blends, available only in November & December!

Holiday Blend

Holiday Blend Midnight (Dark Roast)

Holiday Blend Swiss Water Process Decaf

Club Members: Because this is a seasonal coffee, we aren’t allowing you to add it to your club order from the website. It is available to add to your club, however! Just call or email our customer service department and we can take care of it for you!

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Holiday Blend Coffees – Dark, Medium, and Swiss Water Process Decaf

It’s that time again! We’re releasing our highly anticipated “Holiday Blend” coffees into the wild yet again. Now is your chance to grab our most popular coffees! Need a gift? Need coffee for yourself? Here at the “Roastery”, we don’t have the opportunity to talk too much about our Holiday Blend coffees before one of our prosumers take over and let everyone know how much they love them and why. It’s always fun to have such passionate support and these coffees ALWAYS instill that passion.

Well, enough chat… let’s get down to the nitty-gritty:

Holiday Blend:
Papua New Guinea – Light/Medium/Dark Blend
Our Papua New Guinea is such a popular coffee throughout the year. Around 6 years ago, Cristy came up with a great idea: “Since Papua New Guinea is so popular, we should do a special coffee for the Holidays that has a light, a medium, and a dark profile blended together. It’d be a great Holiday Brew!” Well, Cristy was right… and it’s been overwhelmingly popular from year to year!

Our Blog and Website both describe the Papua New Guinea bean as follows:

Sweet and medium-bodied, Papua New Guinea coffee is prized for its richness and crisp, clean finish. Subtle, yet distinct chocolaty tones make this light roast organic coffee a favorite among our customers. The Papua New Guinea coffee bean is versatile and makes a distinguished cup of morning coffee, as well as a smooth after dinner coffee served with dessert.

Holiday Blend Midnight
Brazil Dark Special Roast
Just a year after we first introduced our “Holiday Blend”, we decided to add another yummy coffee to our Holiday Lineup. We’d received a lot of feedback from customer requesting something a little darker for their Holiday Coffee. We cupped, tested, drank coffee, didn’t sleep at night, drank more coffee… Finally, after weeks of too much coffee and no sleep (only slightly joking…), we developed a special Brazil Dark Roast profile specifically for our Holiday Blend Midnight.

Our Blog and Website both describe the Brazil bean as follows:

Our Brazil is perhaps one of our most complex coffees. Its well defined caramel tones coupled with a finishing hint of spice give it a unique and addictive flavor. Rounding out the undertones of the coffee are nutty hints. Brazilian weather conditions are very unique and produce excellent Arabica naturals.

Holiday Blend SWP Decaf
Honduras Dark Roast SWP Decaf
Now two years after the birth of our Holiday Blend, we came to one big conclusion: Decaf drinkers were feeling left out! Of course we had two regular Holiday coffees, and it seemed natural we needed a decaf to add to the lineup. The original Holiday decaf was a Sumatra Dark Roast. A couple years later we introduced our new Honduras Dark Roast Decaf and instantly knew we had found the perfect fit for our Holiday lineup.

Our Blog and Website both describe the Honduras bean as follows:

Although Honduras is relatively new to high-end Arabica coffee, its soil, climate, and altitude are all perfect for coffee growing. Dark roast organic coffee from Honduras offers the perfect blend of rich molasses tones with slight hints of caramel and spice. This sustainable organic coffee has a pleasant brightness and a medium to heavy body to compliment the sweeter molasses and caramel tones.

So, there you have it. 3 great coffees for 2 fun-filled, eventful months!

I hope you enjoy them all!

“Coffee Guru”

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An Ethical Coffee Meeting with Agros International

An Ethical Coffee Meeting with Agros International

This past Wednesday, Dan and I had the opportunity to visit Agros HQ in Seattle. It was a great time and they were very hospitable to us.  We were able to share some of the new things CICR has been working on.  Many new faces (for me at least) were there for the meeting.

Our customers all know of our close relationship with Agros as we talk about it all the time.  Just as it’s important for us to communicate to you the changes you create through being members of our Coffee Lover’s Club, it’s also important for us to spend time communicating our focus on ethical coffee with Agros as well.  For us, giving Agros a check from our Coffee Lover’s Club orders is only a sustainable act if we can also communicate with Agros and allow them to communicate back.  Knowing of Agros’ future goals is part of responsible giving and ethical coffee.  Allowing Agros to communicate their goals back is part of responsible receiving.  We’re so happy to have a wonderful relationship with Agros.

Dan brought his camera and took a few pictures in between making Frozen X-plosion’s and serving brewed coffee.

The table we sat at had a wonderfully colorful tablecloth.  Emily at Agros provided Dan and I very delicious sandwiches! Shannon grabbed Dan’s camera when he came out with the Frozen X-plosion’s for everyone and took a couple great pictures: Here are a few of the Agros workers enjoying Frozen X-plosion’s. The purpose of our visit was for me to share CICR’s vision for ethical coffee with Agros and “update” them on the things happening around CICR. All-in-all, we had a great time celebrating ethical coffee and sustainability.

Jeff – CICR

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March’s Coffee of the Month – Papua New Guinea Medium Roast and Sumatra Medium Roast

Our fun blend of Sumatra Medium Roast and Papua New Guinea Medium Roast has been a yearly favorite by many. Just typing this, I can think of a dozen customers that get excited every time we bring this special blend back. At the Roaster, we’ve lovingly dubbed this coffee as “PapuaMatra”.

Usually we are a straight “Varietal Roaster”, meaning that we sell coffees that are only from a single country of origin (with the exception of our Varietal Supremo espresso). One of the reasons I enjoy our “Coffee of the Month” is for the shear joy of exploring great coffee pairings. As usual, we only try to make very easily replicated blends so our customers can enjoy this at home.

The profile of this coffee is an interesting, yet perfect blend of flavors and nuances that make this coffee as unique as it is interesting. Both Papua New Guinea and Sumatra are Indonesian countries and enjoy similar weather systems. This lends towards the compatibility of the two beans. The Sumatra coffee brings a full, rich, nutty base with a subtle dried fruit tone into the mix with a rich chocolate overtone found in our ever-popular Papua New Guinea. The result is this heavenly blend!

On a fun side note, the artwork on this Month’s coffee label is a new painting HOT off the press by a local artist out here, John Ebner. He’s actually a pretty well known artist and his work is amazing. This is the 4th label made from his artwork that we’ve done. I encourage you to check out his other paintings. His website is

For those who’ve been waiting, it’s finally back! For those that haven’t tried this yet, you’re in for a treat! I know you’ll enjoy our “PapuaMatra” coffee immensely!

Dan – CICR

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Coffee of the Month – August

Papua New Guinea coffee

Papua New Guinea – Medium Roast

In case you haven’t been around long enough, or haven’t figured it out from reading posts and our website, Papua New Guinea coffee is a very popular coffee. We sell more Papua New Guinea coffee than any other. There is good reason for that! Many of our coffees have characteristics are that require one’s taste to enjoy it. I, for example, really enjoy the flavor of our Guatemala coffee. It has some vivid lemon notes giving it a very nice citrus tone. Some people would rather enjoy a different tone in their brew.

Papua New Guinea coffee

Our Papua New Guinea coffee has a very subtle — yet flavor completing — chocolaty tone. Many can’t place it as “chocolate” from a candy bar or mocha, yet the characteristics of the coffee coincide with those found in chocolate. It has a semi-sweet tone that starts to taste more and more like chocolate as the coffee cools off. For that reason, this coffee makes a GREAT summer brew. Just brew it up (double strength if it’s hot and being poured over ice) and chill it. It’s the perfect bean for the season!

Our Papua New Guinea coffee has a medium to full body and is considered by many to be among the finest and best coffee in the world. Most Papua New Guinea coffee comes from trees that were uprooted in Jamaica (Blue Mountain) and replanted in Papua New Guinea.

Here’s some information on Papua New Guinea:

According to the Department of State’s website (click the link if you’d like to read all the in depth details on PNG), PNG is roughly the size of the state of California and has around 6.3 million people. It has three official languages (English, Tok Pisin, and Motu) as well as close to 860 other languages which plays a huge part in the overall fragmentation of the country and it’s people. Another topic of note is that PNG only has 49.3% literacy.

PNG is known as a country ripped in pieces by civil war, lawlessness and poverty. Yet in the last few years, thanks to many factors including sustainable coffee purchasing, Papua New Guinea has started down the road to recovering it’s economy and government corruption. It’s a long road ahead, but we have helped immensely and can continue to help just through responsible purchasing.

Hope your summer is going well and you’re staying warm. Here on Camano Island we’re having a nice heat wave. It’s a bit tough in places without air conditioning but it’s sure nice to live in a beautiful area with definite seasons!

Happy coffee drinking!

Dan – CICR


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Coffee of the Month – June

Coffee of the Month – June

Papua New Guinea Coffee and Sumatra Coffee is the perfect blend of two great coffees. The Papua New Guinea coffee brings subtle chocolate tones while the Sumatra coffee provides distinct dried fruit tones and ties the two together with a nutty base. This coffee is always a favorite of our customers each time we bring it out as coffee of the month. Papua New Guinea and Sumatra are both Indonesian countries that grow coffee as their main cash crop.

Sumatra is the largest island located entirely in Indonesia. The largest city in Sumatra is Medan with a population just under 3.5 million people. As a whole, Sumatra is not very densely populated with about 96 people per square kilometer. It is, however, the 5th most populate island in the world. The coffee Camano Island Coffee Roasters offers comes from the Gayo Mountains. For more information you can visit Wikipedia.

Papua New Guinea is part of the Australasia ecozone which includes Australia, New Zealand, eastern Indonesia, and several Pacific Island groups. Many of the surrounding islands contain entirely different species of birds and animals leading experts to believe the islands were never linked. Unfortunately, only 3% of Papua New Guinea is privately held. The rest is held under a 99 year State Lease or held by the state.

For more information you can visit Wikipedia. We have also featured Papua New Guinea back in April of 2009 and you can read some different information there.

This is a great coffee to wake up to as well as enjoy after dinner with dessert.


Dan – CICR

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April Coffee of the Month –Papua New Guinea Coffee

Papua New Guinea – Medium Roast

Papua New Guinea CoffeeOur Papua New Guinea coffee is one of our most popular coffees which is entirely understandable given it’s undertones that provide hints of cocoa. It has a medium to full body and is considered by many to be among the finest and most expensive coffee in the world. Most of PNG’s arabica coffee comes from trees that were uprooted in Jamaica (Blue Mountain) and replanted in PNG.

Our Papua New Guinea Coffee

Papua New Guinea CoffeeAccording to the Department of State’s website (click the link if you’d like to read all the in depth details on PNG), PNG is roughly the size of the state of California and has around 6.3 million people. It has three official languages (English, Tok Pisin, and Motu) as well as close to 860 other languages which plays a huge part in the overall fragmentation of the country and it’s people. Another topic of note is that PNG only has 49.3% literacy.

Papua New Guinea CoffeePapua New Guinea is known as a country ripped in pieces by civil war, lawlessness and poverty. Yet in the last few years, thanks to many factors including sustainable coffee purchasing, Papua New Guinea has started down the road to recovering it’s economy and government corruption. It’s a long road ahead, but we have helped immensely and can continue to help just through responsible purchasing.

Jeff’s blog post on Monday will make a great point: Don’t buy coffee at a price that negatively affects the coffee farmers and then throw money their way later on to sooth your conscience. Instead, feel confident and proud that you are not only helping these people monetarily through your purchasing, but working together with them in sustainable practice. It truly blesses both you and them to think about it that way, and that is the truth! Instead buy ethical coffee from a coffee club like our Coffee Lover’s Club!

That’s it for this one! Thanks for reading.

Dan – CICR