August 2011 — Coffee of the Month — Beach Brew.
Our Original Beach Brew is back! This coffee of the month is a combination of our Papua New Guinea in light roast coffee and medium roast coffee. For those that love our Holiday Blend coffee (only available in November and December each year), this is the closest you can get to it! Get these fresh coffee beans while you still can!

Our Papua New Guinea Coffee:
Our Papua New Guinea coffee (PNG) is one of our most popular coffees which is entirely understandable given its undertones that provide hints of cocoa. It has a medium to full body and is considered by many to be among the finest coffees in the world. Most of PNG’s arabica coffee comes from trees that were uprooted in Jamaica (Blue Mountain) and replanted in PNG.

How to taste this coffee:
Available individually in both a light roast coffee and a medium roast coffee, our Papua New Guinea’s best flavors come to the front when not going too dark with the roast. The chocolaty tones become more pronounced as the bean is roasted lighter. This blend of roasts provides your tastebuds with just the right amount of chocolate tone while introducing a very slight hint of spice developed mainly by the blend of the two roast levels.

More about our Papua New Guinea coffee:
According to the Department of State’s website (click the link if you’d like to read all the in-depth details on PNG), PNG is roughly the size of the state of California and has around 6.3 million people. It has three official languages (English, Tok Pisin, and Motu) as well as close to 860 other languages which plays a huge part in the overall fragmentation of the country and its people. Another topic of note is that PNG only has 49.3% literacy. PNG is known as a country ripped in pieces by civil war, lawlessness and poverty. Yet in the last few years, thanks to many factors including sustainable coffee purchasing, Papua New Guinea has started down the road to recovering its economy. It’s a long road ahead, but we have helped immensely and can continue to help just through responsible purchasing.
Get this coffee of the month while you still can!
Update: if you’re seeing after August 2011 don’t fear! You can still recreate this Coffee of the Month in your own kitchen! Simply order our Papua New Guinea coffee in both light roast and medium roast and mix them yourself.