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What is True Success for a Coffee Roasting Business?

We’re happy to report another record year for CICR in 2009. In spite of a rocky economy, our customers have realized that there is more to purchasing coffee than just enjoying a delicious hot cup of coffee. Our success is a direct reflection on our customers’ desire not only to enjoy the finest coffee available but also to create positive changes worldwide. Our shade grown, organic, fairly traded coffee may be enough to keep us afloat in rough times, but if our outreach weren’t intact, it wouldn’t be a contributing factor to the successes of the third-world farmers that grow the coffee.

We talk a lot about our “mission” as a business as well as the quality of our coffee. Many of you may be becoming used to our constant championing of our customers and the change they create. That is good as far as we are concerned! It means you’re relating the purchase of our ethical coffee to the change it creates and ultimately, understanding the entire purpose of our company.

Just remember, it’s far more valuable to support third-world farmers through your purchase of the product they grow and your support of Agros than it is to support a charity that just throws money and support at people who need more than just a “gimme”. Of course if you can do all that and support a great ethical coffee roasting company at the same time, you get the rare pleasure of enjoying the perfect mix!



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