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Back and Speedier than ever!

If any of you visited our blog in the last few hours, you may have noticed things not looking quite right. Well, we’ve upgraded! Our old server wasn’t able to support the popularity of our blog (we have to say, we’ve been fairly overwhelmed at how many people are paying attention to it!). So if you’ve been to the blog and been frustrated with speed issues, try us again! Things should be moving along very… well, zip-pily!

We’ve also revamped our photos page with faster loading photos that pull directly from our Flickr account, done a bunch of bug fixes (including one that made it hard to respond on blog posts), and generally improved stability by removing things that didn’t add value to the blog.

Thanks to all who’ve been so loyal and supportive to force this upgrade. It’s great customers like you that keep us moving ahead!

Camano Island Coffee Roasters’ Blog Crew


2 thoughts on “Back and Speedier than ever!

  1. Oh, yes, it’s much easier to comment now. Thanks for changing that.

    P.S. We are looking forward to seeing you next week, Dan (and the CICR crew)! It’s been too long…and I, for one, am more than ready for Washington weather.

  2. You’ll have to do a remote, “live blogging” session from CICR’s conference room!

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