Sumatra Dark Roast – Bean Profile

While we don’t condone the over-roasting of coffee as many other coffee companies approach their darker roasts, we’re in full support of a delicious, tasty dark roast. Especially when that roast brings in balance the darker tones of roasting with the nuances of the coffee bean we’re roasting.
Whenever we hear: “I want your darkest roast!” or “I like my coffee dark and rich,” there is only really one immediate conclusion – Sumatra Dark Roast. Now if you like coffee darker than this, we’re not the coffee roaster for you. Because our coffee is extremely good for you, we feel it’s our duty to keep the carcinogen levels to an extreme low to provide you with healthy coffee.
One other benefit of the coffee we purchase from Sumatra is that, as a general rule, the Sumatra coffee we offer is our lowest in caffeine content – naturally. Many customers that previously couldn’t drink caffeinated coffee find that they are now able to enjoy a cup of fully caffeinated Sumatra (Dark or Medium Roast).
Sumatra Dark Cupping/Region Information:
Cupping Information:
- Body: Full/Syrupy
- Aroma: Dried Fruit, Nuts
- Flavor: Dried fruit tones with a Heavy Nutty Base
- Aftertaste: Lingering Deep Sweetness
- Sweetness: Semi-Sweet – Dried Fruit
Region Information:
- Country: Sumatra
- Farm: Mandheling (Gayo Mountain Region)
- Altitude: 1800 ft
- Harvest: October-March
- Soil: Volcanic Ash – High Nutrient
- Production Method: Natural, Dry Process
Cupping Notes:
Certified organic Sumatra has a rich syrupy body with a dried fruit tone (apricot, cherry, and fig) and nutty base (pecan-esque). Acidity is fairly mild and the finish leaves a semi-heavy coating in the mouth.