Is chasing the next biggest thing prosperity? Is being successful at your job prosperity? What about having more “stuff” than your neighbor next door?… Loads of money in the bank?
I personally am challenged by this question. Having been to Nicaragua recently, my definition of prosperity has changed. I’m a geek and any good geek, by nature, really ALWAYS desires that next piece of technology. I tell myself, “If I could just get that next laptop, TV, cellphone… (etc), I would by happy and content!”

Really, there is truth to that. A person would enjoy contentment that lasts a day or a week. I compare that to giving money to the poor without helping create sustainability. Sure, that will help them for the next day/week/month… but does that create a sustainable prosperity?
So, what is prosperity? When we were at the various Agros villages in Nicaragua, we enjoyed seeing something that is so very rare and special in America. While the people had VERY little in material possession (they hadn’t even heard of Microsoft!), they enjoyed so much more in relationship. Family, friends, and neighbors did everything together and enjoyed the pleasure of each other’s company. They worked together and helped each other out with their various projects. Each person had a unique and important role in creating the whole of the village.
When we were there, Jeff asked a gentleman by the name of Bismark a simple question. “Who is the best coffee cherry picker in the village”, he asked in hopes of figuring out who the village star was.

Bismark’s answered suprised us all…
“No one is the best. We pick as one.”
This is why fair trade coffee is so important to us.
Thanks for reading!
“Coffee Guru”