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Organic Coffee Beans – Why You Should Care

Organic Coffee Beans – Why You Should Care

Coffee is a beverage enjoyed by more than half the population, and there have been various opinions about whether or not it is healthy or harmful. The truth is the type of coffee you drink determines its value to your health.

Health Benefits of Organic Coffee Beans

Research reveals that organic coffee beans provide important antioxidants that reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer. Recent studies have also found that caffeine helps preserve both short and long term memory by increasing the size of the hippocampus. This not only helps you remember details of your recent past, but it can reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to preventing Alzheimer’s disease, coffee can also help prevent Parkinson’s disease. Research shows by just drinking two to three cups of coffee each day coffee can help prevent Parkinson’s disease.

Coffee also helps with pain relief. If you have a headache or some other discomfort drinking a cup of coffee can help with pain relief. Why? Caffeine is actually a natural pain reliever. In fact many pain medications contain caffeine.

All of this information sounds as if drinking a cup or two of coffee each day is a good thing. And, it is, if you’re drinking natural organic coffee.

Is Coffee Bad?

As with so many agricultural products, the cultivation and production of conventional coffee adds a variety of dangerous chemicals. As an example let’s look at flavored coffee — hazelnut, vanilla, raspberry, etc. The process used to infuse the coffee with these flavors involves the use of Propylene Glycol, a harmful ingredient used in antifreeze. In fact, during production, the factory workers have to use hazmat suits!

One of the reasons why conventional coffee is flavored is because it’s stale. Grocery store coffee is typically at least three to twelve months old before you even buy it. Stale coffee — just like stale bread — just doesn’t taste very good. One way to make the coffee taste better is to add flavoring to it, covering up the stale coffee taste.

Why Organic Coffee?

The best way to avoid the unhealthful pitfalls of drinking commercially grown and sold coffee is to purchase only USDA Certified Organic Coffee beans that have been roasted no more than eight weeks previously. Truly fresh coffee tastes great naturally and does not contain any of the harmful pesticides and chemicals found in coffee grown on commercial plantations. Organic, shade-grown coffee grows at a slower rate so is naturally lower in acid and caffeine. The slower growth rate of shade-grown coffee allows the beans to develop a naturally superior flavor to coffee beans grown in the sun. Organic coffee just tastes better!

By Dan Ericson

Why Wait?  Grab a pound of organic, healthy coffee for yourself by clicking the button below and put it to the test!

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Is Coffee Bad For You?

Is Coffee Bad For You?

Bad coffee may be bad for you, but good coffee is always good for you!

From time to time we’re see the question “Is coffee bad for you?” Well, “Is coffee bad for you?” is kind of a loaded question. Bad coffee is bad for you and good coffee can be very healthy. But how can you know the difference?

Is Coffee Bad For You? — Arabica vs Robusta.

First you have to start with the type of coffee you’re drinking. Arabica is the high quality species of the coffee tree. Robusta is the low quality species. Robusta coffee develops twice the acidity and caffeine of Arabica. Unfortunately, many coffee companies “cut” their “blends” with robusta to save costs. In fact during the first quarter of 2012 imports of Robusta rose by 80% while imports of Arabica decreased by 30%. Big coffee companies are increasing profits on the back of your palate and health. Is coffee bad for you? Only if you’re drinking high caffeine, high acid robusta.

Is Coffee Bad For You? — Organic vs. Conventional

Coffee is sprayed with more chemicals than any other crop outside of tobacco. These same pesticides — like Carbofuran, and Endosulfan — are carcinogenic. In other words cancer-causing. That’s why we believe coffee should only be grown organically. Is coffee bad for you? Only if it’s grown using pesticides.

Is Coffee Bad For You? — Shade-Grown vs. Sun-Grown

Most coffee is sun-grown. This causes the coffee tree to grow abnormally fast. In turn the coffee tree develops twice the acidity and caffeine of shade-grown coffee. If you suffer from acid reflux or even heartburn, then you should drink shade-grown coffee. In fact we hear all the time from folks who quit coffee due to acid reflux and acidity only to drink our coffee and suffer no ill effects.

So, is coffee bad for you? Only if it’s grown with pesticides, in direct sunlight, and mixed with robusta beans. It’s pretty clear if you want healthy coffee only drink Organic, Shade-Grown and 100% Arabica beans.

**Bonus Content**

While Andrew was *ahem* working the other day, he came across this awesome video titled “Is Coffee Bad For You?”.  It only touches on a few of the health related aspects of coffee because it focuses on the product as a whole and not on specific low or high-quality coffees.

Want to be sure your coffee is not bad for you?  Grab a free pound below to start enjoy healthful, certified organic coffee with amazing flavor!