Put Your Grounds In The Ground!
Let’s face it…as soon as you smell your Camano Island Coffee at your doorstep you can’t wait to drink it, right?! You rip the bags open and start drinking it as soon as possible. But what happens after you’ve enjoyed every cup? Do you throw the grounds out without a care in the world? You may not know this, but you’re throwing away the world’s best fertilizer!
Make Your Neighbors Envious Of Your Coffee Garden!
Naturally, coffee grounds are packed with nutrients and minerals making them the perfect soil enhancer to boost your garden’s beauty. With essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper, your hungry garden can get lots of what it needs from coffee! Whether they’re indoor or outdoor – your flowers, shrubs or evergreens will love your coffee with all its nutrients.
Don’t Forget The Nitrogen!
Mineral enrichment is essential to a flourishing garden. However, did you know nitrogen is also important? Nitrogen in the soil will lead to brilliant and healthy plants. Fertilizer at the store is a great source of nitrogen, but why buy more fertilizer when coffee already arrives to your door? After brewing, coffee grounds contain up to 2% nitrogen in volume. This makes your coffee the perfect nitrogen soil enhancer!
Grow Them In The Shade
To get the maximum nutrients in your coffee beans they must be grown in the shade. When grown in direct sunlight, the roots soak up less nutrients from the soil. You don’t have to worry because your Camano Island Coffee only grows in the shade. With our commitment to shade grown, your grounds will help your flowers to flourish – causing envy in the neighborhood!
Why Using Organic Beans Is Critical

Who wants to add harmful pesticides to their beautiful flowers? We know you don’t! USDA Certified Organic guarantees no pesticide contamination on our coffee trees. This coffee is chemical free! Not only will your plants love this organic fertilizer, but your farmer’s health is protected too. You can rest assured, your Camano Island Coffee grounds will be safe around your family, kids and pets.
How Should I Place My Brewed Grounds In The Ground?
To use the coffee grounds, take your rototiller and till the coffee grounds 6 – 8″ into the ground. Mixing the grounds deep in the earth will trap the nutrients in the soil and reach your plant’s roots. Don’t have a tiller? Take handfuls of coffee grounds and thoroughly mix them with your compost. Then, sprinkle your new coffee enhanced soil around the roots of your plants.
It’s up to you how much coffee you add to your soil mixture. Your plants will absorb the nutrients whether you add a handful or a whole pound. Don’t forget – only add the grounds after they are brewed. Adding them before they’re brewed can affect the pH balance in your soil. Without the proper pH balance, your plants may wilt.
Make A Difference With Each Cup
You can do more than grow a beautiful garden with Camano Island Coffee. Not only do your plants benefit but your coffee farmers benefit as well. Your coffee is pesticide free. This means, your coffee farmer did not risk their health growing your coffee. Another reason you’re making a difference is through the environment. By not adding to your waste bin, you can enjoy your coffee through your beautiful plants and reduce your impact on the environment.
Now that you’ve gained this exciting coffee gardening knowledge, feel free to share it with your friends and family! We thank you for making a real difference for our farmers and environment by drinking the world’s top 1% grade beans! If you’re not a member yet, Join the Coffee Lover’s Club to get started! Your first pound is on us.