Establishing Generational Change in Honduras

In the rural hills of Northwestern Honduras, generational change has become a reality for the Agros villagers. The town of Bella Vista is an evolving success story, bringing prosperity to its people through transformational coffee purchasing. Although this region has experienced hardship, fathers and mothers no longer worry about their children’s future.
Bella Vista, A Community Of Hope
In 2013 alone, 31 families harvested 28,700 pounds of coffee! These villagers have transformed this rural area. In the past, Bella Vista experienced little job growth, unavailable natural resources and limited education. An area once hit by terrible droughts, killing livestock and causing water shortages, now has access to water. With the help of Agros volunteers, 12 water troughs have been placed in the area and livestock have become healthy. Parents can send their sons and daughters to grade school and college. Land ownership, once a dream for most, now is a reality in the Bella Vista community.
Luis & Hilaria Pineda’s Story
If you can imagine traveling 2 hours a day by foot, from a nearby town in hopes to earn a better life, you have imagined yourself in Luis Pineda’s shoes. For over two years he made that tiring journey, while participating in workshop activities and learning to cultivate the land. During this time, he worked as a day laborer growing grain crops in his hometown. He could only rent the property, however, with no opportunity to own. Then Agros arrived and gave him the tools to change everything.
He and his wife Hilaria moved with their two sons, Jose Luis and Nelson, to Bella Vista. He signed a bank loan through Agros and started cultivating his land. As of 2013 he owns 1.72 acres of coffee production and an additional 1.72 acres in corn production. Both commodities are in high demand and his land is prospering greatly. Luis and Hilaria also own a cow now as part of their estate. The years of hard work have begun to pay off and change their lives forever.
Through repaying his credit loan to Agros, Luis and Hilaria are on the direct path of becoming first generation landowners. Luis shares his gratitude, “I am happy because I have my house, my land to work and all the opportunities Agros offers us. Many thanks!” With a little opportunity and hard work Luis has been able to change his family’s fortunes.
Looking To The Future
Luis and Hilaria no longer worry about their children’s future. “Our dream is to pay the land, so that our kids can later inherit it. It will be their most precious treasure,” said Luis.
And it’s not just their children who are reaping the benefits of Luis and Hilaria’s hard work. During these last couple years, Luis has become a model of perseverance in the Bella Vista community. “Luis is a leader who has earned the respect of colleagues for his humility and sincerity,” said Esmel, the president of the community.
Luis and Hilaria are just one example of 31 families in Bella Vista whose lives have been changed forever, thanks to coffee lovers like you who choose to support Agros with your coffee purchase.