Brew Guide: French Press
The exact origin of the French Press has been subject to much debate. Folklore says it was an elderly frenchman in the 1850’s, while the Italians claim to have produced the most functional model in the early 1900’s. Of course, the fight to take the credit is understandable, as French Press is one of the most-loved brew methods around the world. For this brew, we used a Bodum 32oz. french press.
Brewing with a French Press is easy, and will take you about 12 minutes.
What You Need
- French Press
- Coffee
- Water
- Wood Stirrer
- Gooseneck Kettle
- Grinder
- 4 tbsp coffee & 16oz water
- 8 tbsp coffee & 32oz water
- 32 grams coffee & 473 grams water
- 64 grams coffee & 946 grams water

To start, we suggest a ratio of 2 tablespoons of grounds for every 8oz of water. The coffee should be ground on the coarsest setting – a #9 on an industrial grinder. If your grounds are too fine, you will get “muddy” coffee in your press.

Heat your water until it’s boiling, and then remove from the heat source for 30 seconds before pouring (boiling water will burn your grounds and ruin your drink!) – The best temperature for brewing is between 195-205 degrees.
Adding Grounds
Drop the grounds into the french press, and pour enough water over them until they are fully covered.
Pause and let the coffee bloom for 45 seconds.
Adding Water
Continue to pour the rest of your water into the press. You can now let it brew for 3-5 minutes (personally, we think 4 minutes is the perfect time, but it’s all about your own taste preference).
Breaking the Crust
Once the time is up, use a small bamboo paddle or chopstick (not metal – you don’t want to crack the glass) to break the crust and give the grounds a quick stir.
Now you can put on the lid and press! There should be a small amount of resistance, but not much. If it is difficult to push down, your grounds are probably a bit too fine. If it seems way too easy to press, perhaps your grounds are too coarse.

Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy your marvelous cup of delicious french press.
Sounds yummy will try soon
thank you for the clear tutorial on how to do this!
Love my French Press + Camano Island Coffee

Fractured History.
It’s unlikely, and certainly little known, but the term French Press, first referred to oral osculation and preceded the French Kiss. It involved keeping the lips closed during the kiss as a sign of “maybe I’m interested, but let’s take it slowly.” Also a statement of “I’m not ready to deal with your oral microbiome. I’m not so sure you brushed your teeth after that quiche.”
Due to the eagerness, yea overeagerness, of the American soldiers during WWII, (aka farm-fresh young men, not very sophisticated or worldly wise), the French Press fell out of vogue and was deleted from amorous engagements due to expediency. Then the French Press was relegated to a coffee making process where lips are closed until the mug approaches the lips. It’s been noted that with Camano Island coffee, the imbiber’s lips often part well in advance of the mug reaching the lips due to anxious anticipation.
Thus the French Kiss gained prominence, much to the soldier’s delight, and established American men as a “cut to the chase” culture, much to the ladies’ chagrin, both in France and back at home.
There was a brief legal battle between the coffee press and French laundry industry who called their ironing method ‘the French Press’ important to the haute couture ruffle. The laundry industry lost due to the vagrancies of Napoleonic Law and the fact that Le Creuset served Camano Island French Press coffee to the board of judges. The judges awarded the French Press to the coffee industry and Le Creuset launched a line of ceramic French Presses. Chanel went from ruffles to culottes.
The judges officially and unanimously ruled, “It just makes sense to link French Press Coffee with French Kissing since one of the 21 effects of the coffee-herb on the human being is an increase in amorous considerations. First the coffee, then the kissing. Plus coffee is something the oral microbiomes can share.
Thus it came to be. The judicial “Voila! made it so for all time. French Press for coffee. French kisses due to the roasters and all imbibers. In a magnanimous gesture, the court awarded the French laundry industry fifteen French Presses and subscriptions to Camano Island Coffee. Today, the verdict is called the “win-win-win affair”. A unique occurrence in all judicial systems everywhere. “Besides, no one gives a crease about ironing clothes. Voila!”
What a story!!!
Some of the best French press coffee ever. Bought an upgraded press just for it!
Awesome! Glad you’re enjoying it. Thanks for sharing!