Well, we decided CICR’s coffee roaster was getting lonely.
No we aren’t talking about Glenn, our Roast Master. Cristy would have words to say about that (she’s his wife). We’re talking about our actual Coffee Roasting Machine.
Our current machine had been working long, hard days to keep up with the demand of our Coffee Lover’s Club members, retail purchases and our wholesale accounts. Finally, after much research and careful planning, our coffee roaster has found its mate!
For those who haven’t been able to visit us on Camano, here is a quick explanation of what you’ll be looking at.
- The green roaster is our old machine. It does 12kg (about 28 pounds) per roast.
- Our new roaster is the red machine. It roasts 24kg (about 56 pounds) per roast.
The fun thing is that the new roaster uses the
exact same technology and setup
as our old roaster. If you took our old roaster and just added a bit more metal (and adjusted the airflow and flame controls… and all that technical stuff), you’d have the same machine.
We’re excited to share images from our remodeled roasting room with you all!