Teacher Appreciation Coffee Gift Box


Say ‘Thanks’ with a Teacher Appreciation Coffee Gift Box.

Includes . . .

  • Use giftbox-free-shipping coupon for FREE shipping
  • Choice of Papua New Guinea Medium, Honduras Dark, or our Swiss Water Processed Decaf
  • Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
  • 2lbs of Coffee
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Teacher Appreciation Coffee Gift Box


In each Teacher Appreciation Coffee Gift Box, say “Thanks” with a card and two pounds of our Papua New Guinea medium roast, Honduras dark roast, or our Swiss Water Processed Decaf coffees. All of our coffees are USDA Certified Organic, shade-grown, and Fairly Traded. The perfect way to show your gratitude!



Distinct chocolaty tones with a crisp clean finish. Sweet and medium-bodied Papua New Guinea coffee is a favorite among our customers. Papua New Guinea coffee is versatile enough for a distinguished cup of morning coffee or as a smooth after-dinner coffee served with dessert. Known for its richness and crisp, clean finish, Papua New Guinea medium roast coffee has subtle chocolaty tones. This unique coffee is grown in Papua New Guinea Highlands and was first planted in Wau in the 1930s from seeds imported from Jamaica’s Blue Mountain region. Medium Roast brings out the coffee’s smooth body and bittersweet character.


Although Honduras is relatively new to high-end Arabica coffee, its soil, climate, and altitude are all perfect for coffee growing. Dark roast organic coffee from Honduras offers the perfect blend of rich molasses tones with slight hints of caramel and spice. This sustainable organic coffee has a pleasant brightness and a medium to heavy body to compliment the sweeter molasses and caramel tones.


Sweet and full-bodied, with none of the caffeine, our Signature Swiss Water Processed Decaf blend requires that we roast each varietal separately to the darkness that brings out certain flavor nuances and then blend the beans to create a wonderful cup of decaf coffee. Our Signature Decaf Blend also makes for great espresso shots. Have a cup before bedtime without the worry of staying awake all night.

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